How to Install Visual Studio Code on Ubuntu 18.04
Visual Studio Code is an open-source cross-platform code editor developed by Microsoft. The easiest and recommended way to install Visual Studio Code on Ubuntu machines is to enable the VS Code repository and install the VS Code package through the command line.
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How to Install Atom Text Editor on CentOS 7
Atom is an open-source cross-platform code editor developed by GitHub. It has a built-in package manager, embedded Git control, smart autocompletion, syntax highlighting and multiple panes.

How to Install Atom Text Editor on Ubuntu 18.04
Atom is an open-source cross-platform code editor developed by GitHub. It has a built-in package manager, embedded Git control, smart autocompletion, syntax highlighting and multiple panes.

How to Install PyCharm on Ubuntu 18.04
In this tutorial we'll cover how to install PyCharm Community Edition on Ubuntu 18.04. PyCharm is a full-featured IDE for Python and Web development.