Sat May 30 2020
Bash Functions
A Bash function is essentially a set of commands that can be called numerous times. The purpose of a function is to help you make your bash scripts more readable and to avoid writing the same repeatedly.
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Mon Feb 24 2020
How to Create Bash Aliases
Bash aliases are essentially shortcuts that can save you from having to remember long commands and eliminate a great deal of typing when you are working on the command line.

Mon Feb 24 2020
Bash while Loop
Loops are one of the fundamental concepts of programming languages. This tutorial covers the basics of while loops in Bash.

Sun Feb 09 2020
Bash Sequence Expression (Range)
The Bash sequence expression generates a range of integers or characters by defining a start and the end point of the range. It is generally used in combination with for loops.
Wed Jan 29 2020
Bash Select (Make Menus)

Tue Jan 28 2020
Bash break and continue

Tue Jan 28 2020
Bash until Loop

Fri Nov 15 2019
Pwd Command in Linux (Current Working Directory)

Sat Sep 21 2019
Pushd and Popd Commands in Linux

Wed Aug 28 2019
Echo Command in Linux with Examples