How to use SSHFS to Mount Remote Directories over SSH
SSHFS (SSH Filesystem) is a filesystem client based on FUSE for mounting remote directories over an SSH connection. This tutorial will show you how to install the SSHFS client on Linux, macOS, and Windows and how to mount a remote directory.
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Linux Watch Command
In this tutorial, we will introduce you to the watch command. Watch is used to run any arbitrary command at regular intervals and displays the output of the command on the terminal window.

Linux Touch Command
The touch command allows us to update the timestamps on existing files and directories as well as creating new, empty files. In this guide, we will show you how to use the touch command through practical examples and detailed explanations of the most common command options.

Bash Heredoc
When writing shell scripts you may be in a situation where you need to pass multiline block of text or code to an interactive command. In Bash and other shells like Zsh a Here document (Heredoc) is a type of redirection that allows you to pass multiple lines of input to a command.
How to Install TensorFlow on Debian 9

How to Install TensorFlow on Ubuntu 18.04

How to Install TensorFlow on CentOS 7

How to Install Slack on CentOS 7

Configure Automatic Updates with yum-cron on CentOS 7

How to Compare Strings in Bash