How to Install Pip on Debian 10
Pip is a package management system that allows you to install Python packages. In this guide we will explain how to install pip on Debian 10 Buster.
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How to Install Node.js and npm on Debian 10 Linux
Node.js is a cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment built on Chrome's JavaScript designed to execute JavaScript code on the server-side. In this tutorial, we will show you several different ways of installing Node.js and npm on Debian 10 Buster.

How to Run Sudo Command Without Password
The sudo command allows trusted users to run programs as another user, by default the root user. This tutorial explains how to configure the sudoers file and allow certain users to run sudo commands without being asked for the password.

How to Set or Change Hostname in Linux
A hostname is a label assigned to a machine that identifies the machine on the network. This tutorial will walk you through the process of changing the hostname in Linux without the need of restarting the system. The steps should work on any modern Linux distribution that uses systemd.
Du Command in Linux

Wc Command in Linux (Count Number of Lines, Words, and Characters)

How to Install and Configure Squid Proxy on Debian 10 Linux

How to Enable SSH on Ubuntu 18.04

How to Install Git on Debian 10 Linux

How to Install Updates on CentOS 7